Shipping & Returns

FAQs on Shipping & Returns

A:It’s essential to provide correct shipping details during the ordering process. Accurate information ensures a smooth delivery of your high-quality replica watch from Timeless Chronos.

A:After placing your order, we commit to processing and shipping it within 72 hours. The usual logistics time is between 7-10 days, so you can expect your order to arrive in about 10-13 days. Please note that delays may occur during customs clearance in some countries.

A: Upon shipping your order, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your package on the shipping company’s official website. If tracking is not immediately available, please try again after a day or two or contact us for assistance.

A: If you’re not fully satisfied with your order, you can contact our customer service within two weeks of receipt to arrange a return. We provide a return address and offer a full refund or a replacement. Our goal is to make your return process as hassle-free as possible.

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